Std 008 Procurement: 00e File Table of Contents Created by James on 9/10/2014 6:32:48 PM The tender documents are issued in one or more large files, this is the table of contents for the file
The tender documents are issued in one or more large files, this is the table of contents for the file
Client Request for Proposal for a
Financial Systems Solution
Table of File Contents
1. Invitation to Bid and Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement
2. Request for Proposal
3. Headline Requirements Specification
4. Procurement Timeline
5. Schedule of Required Software
6. Bill of Services + summary + rate schedule
7. Bid Compliance Checklist
8. Adjudication Schedule
9. Table of Contents to be used for submission files
10. Certificates to be used on the project
11. Schedule of Reference Documents
Download 00e File Table of Contents in Microsoft Word docx format

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